Long day, straight to mumbles house, to pick him up and take him to his work. Four hours with him and I shared shot#3 with Ms. S

She was drunk and I was stoned. I gave her a $70 shot, and suddenly there were 2 exes, both stoned and one a little drunk. Her arguments came so freshly I could tell she had been discussing them freshly with friends.

"Over the last four years you asked me to move out several times, and I did."

That was true, there were a few times where her avoidance of sex had frustrated me to a degree where I did say "We need to either work what's going on or you need to move out." Being a spineless wonder, her reaction of arcing up at me about sex would always silence me until my testosterone or whatever would build up enough to cause a repeat performance.

Either way, it hadn't been very pretty the last few years.

S mentioned 2nite that as the MiniMover dudes were carrying her stuff out to the truck, Corvette dude (a man living on the 6th floor that drives a reddish Corvette) hit on her - "If you want to come up and talk or have a glass of wine.....".

I responded that when she decides to have another partner, she can get one in a few seconds. She responded that she's not ready for a relationship just yet, happy 2 live alone.
She got angry, saying that I was making her feel bad because of her looks..

So much miscommunication. I did the first smart thing of the night and said that considering both our intoxifications, we should not talk too much about life etc, the drugs would just cause pain.

So 2moro 1030am I see her again, we talk, we will probably agree to not see each other again. This will be our minds talking. Intellectually. It will have nothing to do with what our hearts say. Mine screams "Bend over backwards to save S! Do anything for her". Does S' scream?

Hopefully tomorrow I will go to a Gym and stop using to start improving my self esteem.

GMs still away, terrorist shenanigans not helping, I'm very busy at work, setting up VPN for Remote connection to Data Action.
