So as I mentioned earlier, S got caught out earlier in the week, sending an SMS meant for a "special" friend to myself by mistake.  Trez embarrassing.  Incidental note - notice how some people have two languages/ways of talking?  One for the friends they are tired of and one for those they're trying to impress.  This is how I could tell the SMS was not for me - the wordage was as I would have expected in the first couple of years of the "relationship", not something I have seen these last six years.

Anyway, to stall for time (I guess), she announced (once I had provided gabo this morning) that she had been to a doctor to get her muff issues resolved.  As usual I was too weak to point out that it wasn't muff issues that stopped her sleeping with me in the first place, it was her decision to turn away from me at every instance that killed that particular life.  So repairing a muff may give her functionality, but it's not going to restore her non-existent desire.  I guess if it makes her think she's bought some time then she'll be happy.  She still managed to screw two hundred bucks outta me with her usual pouting screaming and tantrums.  I consider it money pissed up against a wall - up my arm or up hers, little difference in the long run.

Anyway back to the couch for me tonight - I was stoned last night and relaxed into the comfort of a bed, before she told me I had to go b4 her mum came over.  But straight again, I choose the choice-free couch.

Oh, and apparently I'm cryptic all of a sudden.  Like, d'uh Freddo
