A Dangerous Method

"'A Dangerous Method' is a 2011 Canadian historical film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley and Vincent Cassel. The screenplay was adapted by Academy Award-winning writer Christopher Hampton from his 2002 stage play The Talking Cure, which was based on the 1993 non-fiction book by John Kerr, A Most Dangerous Method: The story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein." (Wiki)

This period piece from the turn of the 20th Century seems like a believable depiction of the relationship between Jung and Freud if you don't count the smell of the cigars and I suppose it does something similar for the relationship between Jung and Spielrein. It is entertaining enough all the way through and comes out as a good piece about a very interesting period.

David Cronenberg
Viggo Mortensen
Michael Fassbender
Keira Knightley
Year Released: