Usage Tracker

Several days ago I began using the Usage Tracker to work these benzos out of my system I have noticed some problems. Most importantly I cannot get my Timeline for Benzos.
I find that my Your Usage page is very slow to load which is of little significance to me as it is but I am also finding it impossible to change the drugs I am tracking, thinking if I cut down the number of drugs being Tracked might make a difference I tried to reduce my field of interest to 3 instead of 5. I had noted previously that my Your Usage table was crowded at the right side by the pie charts for All Usage and Your Usage but I am unable to make any changes.
When I go to the Timeline for the drug first from the left margin the following warnings appear in a red box below the page heading:-
Warning: array_count_values() [function.array-count-values]: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values! inmostCommonDosage() (line 401 of /htdocs/sites/sites/all/modules/custom/felixtimeline/felixtimeline.module).
- Warning: array_count_values() [function.array-count-values]: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values! inmostCommonDosage() (line 401 of /htdocs/sites/sites/all/modules/custom/felixtimeline/felixtimeline.module).
- Warning: array_count_values() [function.array-count-values]: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values! inmostCommonDosage() (line 401 of /htdocs/sites/sites/all/modules/custom/felixtimeline/felixtimeline.module).
- Warning: array_count_values() [function.array-count-values]: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values! inmostCommonDosage() (line 401 of /htdocs/sites/sites/all/modules/custom/felixtimeline/felixtimeline.module).
The 3 drugs to the right of the first have no warning and the 5th, which is the column for Benzos, is not accessible. Presently I have no need of the Tracker except for Benzos so the warning box is for the cognoscenti of computer code. To me it seems there is currently an upper limit to how many drugs an account can monitor which is 4 according to my experience.
In desperation I will open a new account so I can easily overcome this inconvenience.
Difficulty in navigation
I have just noticed today that I am experiencing difficulty getting to 'My Usage', in fact it doesn't seem to want to go there at all (approx 1min lag). I thought it would possibly be a problem with my pc but haven't experienced any problems navigating to any other pages.????? One minute or so is no big deal so perhaps the problem lies with my impatience, born of watching tv and movies where the user hits 'Enter' and the new page appears instantly every time.
An App for 'Usage Tracker'
While spending a few days at a friend's place who doesn't have access to the 'net and getting frustrated with my phone and its rather archaic Symbian OS it dawned on me that a 'Usage Tracker' App for mobile phones would be handy and even de rigeur these days.
Thanks for these feedbacks sayarsan. Agree with you that tracker loads slowly, and also that it needs work on displaying - too many columns...thinking on it
How many columns?
When I opened my account and began using the tracker I was aware of 'being in Beta' but had no system or model to work from. In the case of the 'Tracker' I decided to "see what it could do" so to speak. One aspect of this strategy was to follow my clue 'In here be data' and set about feeding it as much data as I could which, at the time, was considerable and varied.
I can see now how tracking 5 drugs at once conflicts with the restrictions imposed by the layout of the 'My Usage' page. I tried at one point to reduce the number of drugs I was tracking but was unable to do this. As you are aware, a simple fix might have been staring at me from the page but I was blind to it then and still can't see how to achieve this end.
Does my 'Trackage' of 5 substances affect the time it loads the page? my brain wonders as the circle spins, probably not, but it sure plays havoc with the overall look of the page so once again I am reminded of the volume of work involved in getting this feature refined to satisfaction.
I have been to QuIHN a couple of times accompanying a friend and find it useful for getting news relevant to more local issues and again am thinking of putting up notices at places users frequent in the hope of recruiting more volunteers so if anyone has ideas on this I would appreciate sugggestions from all sources. Ideas on logos, issues, attitude, and any of the many things that would never occur to me please put them in the 'General Discussions' section or in this string.
Hmm.mya ttempts to fix this issue has led to greater issue s- an update crashed mid update, which it's taken this weekend just to return it to a vaguely usable site. If I log in as Admin I cannot see anything...
Sorry about that
Boy oh boy am I learninga lot about drupal, *nix, phpmyadmin, debugging on OpenBSD....finally got teh site uyp again, at least for users...
Sayarsan's issues
Aploogies for the slow response. As you may have noticed, I brought the whole site down trying to apply a few basic upgrades, and still haven't the ability to login as Admin ...ANYWAYS:
Warning: array_count_values() [function.array-count-values]: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values! inmostCommonDosage() (line 401 of /htdocs/sites/sites/all/modules/custom/felixtimeline/felixtimeline.module).
Can you please press a substance button again (to generate a timeline) - preferably the same substance that caused you issues last time. I've added debug to the page, could you copy n paste into an email to the top of teh page? Will look like:
Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 2 [2] => 2 [3] => 2 [4] => 2 [5] => 2 [6] => 2 [7] => 2 [8] => 2 [9] => 2 [10] => 2 [11] => 2 [12] => 2 [13] => 2 [14] => 2 [15] => 2 [16] => 2 [17] => 2 [18] => 2 [19] => 2 [20] => 2 [21] => 2 [22] => 2 [23] => 2 [24] => 2 [25] => 2 [26] => 2 [27] => 2 [28] => 2 [29] => 2 [30] => 2 [31] => 3 [32] => 2 [33] => 2 [34] => 2 [35] => 2 [36] => 2 [37] => 2 [38] => 2 [39] => 2 [40] => 2 [41] => 2 [42] => 2 [43] => 2 [44] => 2 [45] => 2 [46] => 2 [47] => 2 [48] => 2 [49] => 2 [50] => 2 [51] => 2 [52] => 2 [53] => 2 [54] => 2 [55] => 2 [56] => 2 [57] => 2 [58] => 2 [59] => 2 [60] => 2 [61] => 2 [62] => 2 [63] => 2 [64] => 2 [65] => 2 [66] => 2 [67] => 2 [68] => 2 [69] => 2 [70] => 2 [71] => 2 [72] => 2 [73] => 2 [74] => 2 [75] => 2 [76] => 2 [77] => 2 [78] => 2 [79] => 2 [80] => 2 [81] => 2 [82] => 2 [83] => 2 [84] => 2 [85] => 2 [86] => 2 [87] => 2 [88] => 2 [89] => 2 [90] => 2 [91] => 2 [92] => 2 [93] => 2 [94] => 2 [95] => 2 [96] => 2 [97] => 2 [98] => 2 [99] => 2 [100] => 2 [101] => 2 [102] => 2 [103] => 2 [104] => 2 [105] => 2 [106] => 2 [107] => 2 [108] => 2 [109] => 2 [110] => 2 [111] => 2 [112] => 2 [113] => 2 [114] => 2 [115] => 2 [116] => 2 [117] => 2 [118] => 2 ) most common dosage measure = 2
What I think is happening - you have recorded two more usages with incompatible doasge_measures. When I draw a graph, I have to look at all the dosage measures used and try to align them all. Becasue if you said you used 500 mg of substance one day and 0.5grams the next day, you want those to be equal on the graph, yes? You don't want one being a 1000 times greater than the other.
So what i think has happened is there's a substance of yours recorded that has two incompatible measures that it can't align - e.g milligram and line/s perhaps....
This is what UAT (user acceptance testing) is all about! appreciate the feed back...
hope u r well and well on yr way to new digs.
working on slowness of sql queries.
I am unable to access the Timeline for Benzos because the column is on the extreme right and the Button one needs to clk on is obscured by a pie graph.
The only Timeline which had something like what you describe is Methadone so I copied the contents of the red box into an e-mail as you suggested.
Oh I see
Here's a trick I picked up in 'Nam. Paste this into the address bar when you're logged in. You can substitute the last digit for any of the below substances if you are ever stuck accessinga button. You originally said "When I go to the Timeline for the drug first from the left margin the following warnings appear" - i thought that was benzos...obviously it isn't, as u cannot access the benzo button...You say the error occurs when you go to timeline - that means when you press the oval-ish button? Can you press the oval-ish button for the substance that gievs u the 'STRING/INTEGER' error messages, and paste back the hopefully more detailed debug output...Thanks for being patient
Benzo family
Timeline debug
Bingo! I finally got to the benzo timeline and the top of the page is packed with the desired type of stuff which I have cut and pasted here;
Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 2 [2] => 2 [3] => 2 [4] => 2 [5] => 2 [6] => 2 [7] => 2 [8] => 2 [9] => 2 [10] => 2 [11] => 2 [12] => 2 [13] => 2 [14] => 2 [15] => 2 [16] => 2 [17] => 2 [18] => 2 [19] => 2 [20] => 2 [21] => 2 [22] => 2 [23] => 2 [24] => 2 [25] => 2 [26] => 2 [27] => 2 [28] => 2 [29] => 2 [30] => 2 [31] => 2 [32] => 2 [33] => 2 [34] => 2 [35] => 2 [36] => 2 [37] => 2 [38] => 2 [39] => 2 [40] => 2 [41] => 2 [42] => 2 [43] => 2 [44] => 2 [45] => 2 [46] => 2 [47] => 2 [48] => 2 [49] => 2 [50] => 2 [51] => 2 [52] => 2 [53] => 2 [54] => 2 [55] => 2 [56] => 2 [57] => 2 [58] => 2 [59] => 2 [60] => 2 [61] => 2 [62] => 2 [63] => 2 [64] => 2 [65] => 2 [66] => 2 [67] => 2 [68] => 2 [69] => 2 [70] => 2 [71] => 2 [72] => 2 [73] => 2 [74] => 2 [75] => 2 [76] => 2 [77] => 2 [78] => 2 [79] => 2 [80] => 2 [81] => 2 [82] => 2 [83] => 2 [84] => 2 [85] => 2 [86] => 2 [87] => 2 [88] => 2 [89] => 2 [90] => 2 [91] => 2 [92] => 2 [93] => 2 [94] => 2 [95] => 2 [96] => 2 [97] => 2 [98] => 2 [99] => 2 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I believe this is what yhou call a STRING/INTEFER error. On my 'Drug Usage' page Benzos are at the extreme right and the timeline has beeen inaccessible for some time. It might be necessary to limit the number of drugs being tracked to four.
I am wondering how much work would be required to arrange for an account holder to deselect any drug they might be tracking and select a new one when they wish.
All good ideas
Thanks for your paste, I have turned off debug. Pasted data did not give me the answer I hoped for but it eliminated a possibility. It also highlighted that this array of data is being calculated twice for noreason (each graph calculates the same value, and there are two graphs. I'll move the code to an earlier subroutine and this will save a few milliseconds, all this will cut down runtimes.
I've also checked with my 'official' site hosts, there's nothing stopping me from putting the site up there, this would be with a much gruntier SQL engine so that should be anotehr plan.
Wait for 'Your Usage'
If moving the site means a quick link to the 'Your Usage' page it has that to recommend it. On Chrome and IE it takes about 2:5 minutes to get the page.
If the new host will make improvements in this sort of thing it will be more appealing for that. What about pitfalls?
I cannot think of many pitfalls....I guess the outsourced host has control of platform technology, that is a loss of a control I have at present - they have told me they only support Drupal to v7 (which is fine as this is builtin v7, I had no plans to go to v8). This si due to their servers only running php v 5.2.17 (I think), whereas to run Drupal v8 you need php 5.5...
They're a small hosting company that I use, I've always found I can write any time of day or night and get an answer, and they don't seem to follow corporate procedures and say 'sorry we can't change that because this document says I can't' - I've asked them to add modules to their entire server, which may host 200 websites, and they have done it at the drop of a hat.
The only other pitfall is that I need to pay hosting costs - if the site became v popular (If!) then bandwidth would increase and they would charge more. This has been the downfall of many a small site - if they're really good, everyone in the world wants a look, this means the hosting company is serving up megabytes of data per second, this costs anywhere up to a couple of thousand a month. Often sites like that just shut down after they've served X visitors in a month, so as not to move to the next priced package.
The end result is usually the introduction of advertising on the website...and we're back to 4zzz all oevr again! Maybe I should approach Terumo or B&D now
'My Usage'
Is it only me or does this affect all trackers; When I clk on 'My Usage' the page shows this;
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'node.type = sub.bundle AND node.status = '1' GROUP BY sub.field_substance' at line 4: SELECT SUM(field_cost_value) as tot,sub.field_substance_value as substance FROM {field_data_field_cost} as cost INNER JOIN {field_data_field_substance} as sub ON sub.entity_id=cost.entity_id INNER JOIN {node} as node ON node.nid=sub.entity_id WHERE node.uid <> 0 AND sub.entity_type = cost.entity_type AND sub.language = node.language AND sub.bundle = cost.bundle AND sub.entity_id = cost.entity_id AND sub.deleted = cost.deleted AND = AND sub.language = cost.language AND sub.bundle='usage_tracker' node.type = sub.bundle AND node.status = '1' GROUP BY sub.field_substance_value; Array ( ) in felixcharts_content() (line 178 of /home/junkie/public_html/sites/all/modules/custom/felixcharts/felixcharts.module).
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
When I try using this link; I am informed "This page is not available. Please try again later.
Is this a temporary state of affairs while improvements are being implemented or is it a sign of something else?
Thanks for this
No that's a real problem, I wasn't working on anything at that time - although I have been making modifications to the SQL with a view to a) better display and b) faster data return. But that was last worked on 4/8/14.
I have shit down the old home PC that was serving so all requests to that address are not being redirected to the new site - may be related.
Anyway, investigating now.
Issue Fixed
Thanks for this. A reminder of the eternal need for separation between development and testing - a cardinal law I have broken many times, this just being the latest instance.
The error? A missing, conjunctive, a missing AND between:
sub.bundle='usage_tracker' AND node.type = sub.bundle
Thanks P, your diligence appreciated. I'ms till working on display and speed, as I have been eternally.
Raising issues
I often feel like a pest for raising a lot of issues and try to remember just how valuable your time is and the amount of work that must go into working out fixes of all sorts but I have learned the virtue of patience. I was actually on the verge of opening another account under a different name specifically for tracking benzos but erred on the side of patience in case it complicated the task of fixing the issue.
I have a few other issues, two, maybe only one since one appears to involve a troublesome account. Nothing to get anxious about but I am having trouble loading pics into blogs. When it does get sorted I will be able to edit them in then, meanwhile I have a few book reviews to keep me occupied.
How many types of drug?
My page for 'Your Usage' is now quite sufficient for my needs; five drugs comfortably and a sixth which is partly truncated by a pie graph, doesn't respond to clking on the button for access to the 'Timeline'. Fortunately it is a drug that I probably won't be using on more than the odd occasion so we can say that the 'Usage Tracker' can deal with up to five drugs which is sufficient for most recreational users. A clinical version would need to accommodate more I think but without a few health professionals for input I can't say.
Perhaps there should be a notice informing new users of this limitation, no big deal at this stage.
I've experimented with a datatable for these too-wide pages - as per but with horizontal rather than vertical scrollbars.
Once again, code taht I could implement in ten minutes on a static website, taking days when it's part of a db in a CMS...
At the coal-face.
I have a mental image of someone chained by the ankle to a chair bolted into a concrete floor and nothing to see or hear beyond the work station attached to the table in front of the chair. A grainy black and white world except for the monitor on the work station and a steady diet of instant noodles which are dispensed at the completion of a task.
I realise you wouldn't get caught in that sort of scene but maybe there are times when it feels like you have. I'm hoping that a lot gets done when things are quiet at work so there is some compensation.
Clearly it's time for me to get to work on overdue book reviews.
A suggestion for improvement
I thought that when looking at 'Your Usage' it would be better if the pie graph in the upper right corner reflected the habits of that user instead of 'All Users' like it does at present.
WYSIWYG for new and blogs
It seems like the site is regressing instead of progressing. Whatever happened to the user friendly window when posting news and blog?
On a project such as this where serendipity plays such an important part in the appearance of new contributors it becomes necessary to create an atmosphere which is attractive and comfortable, conducive to the production of work that is of a standard expected by prospective bloggers and accessible to any drug users who are what I think we are aiming for here. We have had enough experience of eedjits already.
In the case of bloggers they have come to expect a site where the insertion of links, photographs and a number of other embellishments which serve to make their posts more striking, informative and attractive are simple to use. Such is the case on blogsites like WordPress and Google. I don't think it is worth the drudgery needed to emulate these sites on the contrary I can see where a fascination with visual effects for their own case can lead to a facile site which embraces values contrary to what we have here.
In the case of junkies it is important to remember how pervasive drug use is today comprising people from all ages and levels of education. There are many who would like to be involved in a project such as this who are barely literate but still have something to say that is of value. when it comes to computer literacy a huge number of people are finding their way onto the internet via mobile devices especially smart phones. In this world HTML is analogous to Unix at the turn of the century, something which is still of value but generally has been eclipsed by user friendly alternatives.
The climate now on the internet is one where the even the slowest thinkers are enfranchised for better or worse. For how long this is the case remains to be seen, after all we are talking about an invention of the military industrial complex and it will remain as such in the foreseeable future. Under these circumstances I like to think the site would be an agent contrary to Control in the sense that Burroughs referred to not a place where Control exists as a constant pressure to remain underground as if living in fear of detection.
Yes - this 'plug-in' that ias an add on to teh core drupal product, seems to be one that constantly braks, I will have a look now.
Thanks, as ever for your notification
seems to be working after I did some config work.
I note there is still a 'colorbox' problem, which handles the Street Art Gallery and other photo display prettiness...a job for 2moro
Pls advise if you still see problems with WYSIWYG