Drug Use in Australian Sport

sayarsan's picture
Australia esp. Victoria.


Drug use rampant in Australian sport
Bill Pulver
WATCH: AUSTRALIAN sport rocked by evidence of widespread illegal drug use and organised crime links. | ACC report explained |Abbott dismayed at findings
85 comments on this story


Criminal links to match-fixing fears
Graham Ashton
UPDATE: SOCCER, cricket and tennis matches are at high risk of being fixed by criminals, with betters plunging $40 million on a single A-league match.  http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/victoria-police-say-criminality-of-doping-unclear-as-match-fixing-in-australia-described-as-imminent-by-top-victorian-cop/story-fnex616o-1226572450675  


Trafficker worked with Hird in 2004
James Hird
DRUG trafficker Shane Charter has links to Essendon coach James Hird. | Dons forced to inject Dank: Jabs were clean

Drug probe must be exhaustive
Charlie Bezzina
ANALYSIS: CHARLIE Bezzina on how investigators will examine banned substances claims and the Essendon football club. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/law-order/charlie-bezzina-says-investigation-into-essendon-football-club-drug-probe-must-be-exhaustive/story-fnat79vb-1226572663034
