
Let me know if I have missed a substance and I will add it. Check first that it's not a street name for one of the others.

Census Night was a Serious Disappointment

On the 9th of August I was about to do duty when I realized that I had lost track of the letter with the log in number. I kept my head thinking "why panic? in earlier days I would have been just as likely to decide not to fill it in coz they wanted personal information like my name address and signature".

Blood Brothers. The Criminal Underworld of the East

“Blood Brothers; The criminal underworld of Asia” by Bertil Lintner. First published by Allen and Unwin (2002)

Product Details

sayarsan's picture

Government forces shell same township again in central Shan State

The Burma Army launched artillery toward the headquarters of the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army-N (SSPP/SSA-N) yesterday in Wan Hai, Kesi Township, according to S.H.A.N. reporters on the ground in central Shan State.

sayarsan's picture

First compilation of global addictions

The world’s first comprehensive report on global addictions has revealed Australians smoke less tobacco and drink less alcohol than the British, but Aussies take more illicit drugs. 

Land of Jade

Land of Jade; A journey through insurgent Burma

1990 By Bertil Lintner

Published by Kiskadale

'Land of Jade' must be one of the most unique of travel adventures since the Second World War.

Bertil Lintner, right, interviews former Kachin Independence Organization chairman Brang Seng in Pa Jau, Kachin State, in September 1986.

sayarsan's picture

OxyContin has changed

Do you know someone who injects OxyContin? If so, they need to be aware that the pills are changing. From the start of April, they are being replaced with a new version, which is designed to prevent injecting use.


A Conversation With Lou Reed

A Review of Lou Reed's album 'New York' which was published to commemorate the first anniversary of his death. The album was released in 1989 as a statement about the Reaganite policies and is still relevant today.

sayarsan's picture

Peace process in limbo, when ceasefire is a joke

Col Sao Swy Mangrai, Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), was asked during a meeting, “How’s the ceasefire going?” In response, he stretched out his arms like he was holding a gun and said, “Like this. Cease! (releases the trigger and lowers the gun) Fire!

sayarsan's picture

Burma Army continues troop deployment to SSPP/SSA areas, despite promising to withdraw

Despite a promise to the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) by the Burma Army’s Central Eastern Commander that government troops would be withdrawn from contested SSPP/SSA areas, troop reinforcements are still being sent into the area.

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Queensland police tied to major drug trafficking

Hardly 'Breaking News', more a reminder that some things never really change.


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