Government forces shell same township again in central Shan State

The Burma Army launched artillery toward the headquarters of the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army-N (SSPP/SSA-N) yesterday in Wan Hai, Kesi Township, according to S.H.A.N. reporters on the ground in central Shan State.
A Burma Army soldier stands outside a school in Kesi Township in 2014 which was used as a camp for government forces
It is the same township where, in early October 2014, the Burma Army shelled villages, killing at least three locals and displacing hundreds, as was reported in English by both The Irrawaddy and the Myanmar Peace Monitor.
Yesterday’s attack started two miles from the SSPP/SSA-N headquarters, when the Burma Army Battalion 575 fired several artillery shells into the SSA’s Kong Mu Loi base located between Mong Hsu and Mong Nong Township. At the time of reporting, there were no known casualties.
“It was about 1:15 p.m. when the Burma Army shot into Kong Mu Loi,” said an SSPP/SSA-N officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We could hear the sounds of the big weapons here.”
The source also reported that evidence had been collected indicating government forces used 81 and 79 mm mortar shells in the attack.The Burma Army launched artillery toward the headquarters of the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army-N (SSPP/SSA-N) yesterday in Wan Hai, Kesi Township, according to S.H.A.N. reporters on the ground in central Shan State.
RCSS/SSA-S will sign ceasefire
Despite attacks by Government forces in central Shan State which is home to the Shan Stae Party-North, the Shan State Party-South intends to sign the ceasefire agreement due for renewal on October 14. General Yawd Serk said “I will not agree if the government supports those who sign the NCA, but attacks the other groups who do not sign,” he said.