Naloxone/Overdose Seminar

Naloxone/Overdose Seminar (Naloxone Distribution Project)
A harm reduction initiative for Brisbane’s opiate users.
Naloxone is an opioid antagonist and can reverse the effects of opioid overdose.
For further information please call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service
(ADIS) on 1800177833
I tagged along with my SO to QuINN to try and organise some advocacy for my current application to transfer my tenancy. We saw a notice for a seminar as part of the above project and tagged along out of interest, for the naloxone and in an effort to keep up with local initiatives. For those who don’t yet know QuINN is what they call QuIVVA now; Come all without. Come all within. When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody’s gonna join with him as opposed to going all aquiver at the thought of what i.v. drug use entails. Very unsteady for the first go around.
We found ourselves at BIALA in a meeting room with a nurse (student?) who was taking part also and the speaker. On the table where we sat there were demographic forms for us to fill out since this is really a test run to develop a final program and needs statistics. There was also literature relating to the content of the seminar.
After learning the hard way what the difference is between respiratory arrest where the patient suddenly stops breathing, turns blue and drops, compared with respiratory embarrassment where a person may have taken a different depressant drug prior, is in a posture which makes it hard for the chest to expand and/or allow air down the airways. Slowly the patient’s brain is deprived of oxygen yet they are not cyanose (blue), and may have already suffered significant brain damage.
We were guided through the nature of opioid antagonists, how to administer and where. All down to earth and straightforward we were brought up to date with the latest trend in pulmonary resuscitation under these circumstances which is to lay the patient flat on their backs and apply chest compressions. When I queried him about artificial respiration I was informed that many people are reluctant to do it (the YUK! Factor), that it is still useful and a simple oral damn can be made with a piece of plastic. A thorough coverage of the relevant information and we were taken to see Dr. Jeremy who provided us with a prescription for a vial of Naloxone each exactly like the one we had been shown and remember it has a Luer-Lok end for a 23g needle if you are in a position to be fussy.
One imagines that after the seminar has been finalised and relevant literature etc is worked out someone will apply for a grant to put it on the road perhaps or simply export them to similar groups to QuINN.
Anyone interested can ring Niki at QuINN 07)36208111
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